Remember the last time you were out dancing with your partner? Maybe you were out at a club or at another wedding or a family party… How did you feel? Did you feel like they were amazing and totally comfortable and you had no idea what you were doing? Maybe your partner was a competitive dancer in high school or used to dance salsa, or worst of all...maybe you’re marrying a professional dancer! What do you do?!
If you’re already feeling like you’re light years behind your partner when it comes to dance experience, chances are they’re feeling it, too. Talking about what you’re feeling will help get the two of you on the same page and may help diffuse any tension if either one of you are feeling frustrated. Try to brainstorm some ideas about how each of you want your first dance to go, and try to find the places where you can come together. Once you have a better idea of what each of you would like to see in your first dance, try doing some private lessons with an instructor to see if they can help you both get more on the same page. After you’ve had some one-on-one instruction together you can take the time to practice the steps and techniques you need to know for your first dance. Once you practice a little bit, you’ll start to feel more comfortable in your own dancing shoes and also dancing together as a couple.

If you’re still feeling nervous about not being able to live up to your partner’s first dance dreams, let’s just take a minute to remember that your first dance is about YOU. It’s about your love story, NOT about how well you can dance. Focus on your partner and your love for them, and we promise it will make this whole dancing thing a heck of a lot easier. And we’re willing to bet that your partner may even ignore a misstep or two if you’re looking deep into their eyes… Remember- your first dance is not a test. And it doesn't have to be a big production for your guests. It doesn’t need to be complicated or difficult. Everyone is at your wedding to celebrate you and the love you have for each other. Keeping your dance simple and working with a dance instructor to help you feel more relaxed and natural may be the way to go...even if your partner is capable of way more. You’re both in this together, and your dance instructor can help you create choreography that will highlight the things you can do well so both of you will fully enjoy your first dance moment.